As a fourth generation family-owned business, traditions both old and new are so very dear to us: they instill a thread of nostalgia as well as hope for the future. At Colonial Jewelers, our customers become like family. We love helping to create memories that last a lifetime, and we relish every opportunity to celebrate your special moments alongside you.
In the spirit of rekindling those traditions this season, I’ve asked my dear colleagues to share what’s on their wishlist this year and a cherished holiday memory, or two!
“We always listen to a variety of Christmas music while prepping and preparing Christmas turkey and side singing and feeling the holiday spirit. We also decorated the tree together! Love those memories!”
“Our family tradition is to have a family dinner on Christmas Eve with the kids and read the “The Night Before Christmas” Book.”
“My mom and dad exchange ornaments each year: In recent years I have loved the more playful ones that incorporated their inside jokes and travels from the year. It is always so sweet to watch them unwrap them on Christmas Day and hang them on the tree. My husband has had so much fun hand making ornaments for me, and this past year, he made a whole collection based on my favorite Real Housewives quotes.”
“Our extended family always gets together on Christmas Eve for dinner, exchanging gifts, and family time. When my children were younger, we would go to our church’s Christmas pageant and Christmas Eve services. Christmas morning was a special time with the kids where we had a big breakfast while spending the rest of the day together and then visiting more family! Happy Holidays!”
“My family opens gifts on Christmas Eve night while sitting around our tree (we still save gifts from Santa for Christmas morning). We do a big spread food-wise, and honestly, Christmas Eve is almost a bigger deal in my household than Christmas!"
“My favorite tradition is gathering around on Christmas Eve to wrap each person’s gifts and arrange them by family member under the tree."
"My favorite holiday tradition has always been making Christmas cookies and we make a different collection of cookies every time. For quite a few years a lived far away from friends and family and I would always mail homemade cookies to different parts of the country. I love to bake and I’m looking forward to sharing the tradition with my baby daughter this year."
“Every Christmas, I most looked forward to gathering together at my grandparents’ house. There was a kids table in the basement, and I thoroughly enjoyed playing games and catching up with my cousins. I loved having that special quality time; they are like siblings to me!”
“Every Christmas holiday my husband and I spend time cooking together while listening to Frank Sinatra and other holiday classics. After that we relax and watch the football game.”
“When our children were growing up, our family would look forward to going out to dinner on Christmas Eve. Through the holiday season, Patty was home with the three, and many nights I came home after they had gone to bed. I would have just finished a long season with many extra days and hours, so Christmas Eve was my first time to relax after the last four weeks or so. The best part was all of us being around the table together. With the beautiful Christmas decorations and the atmosphere, it was almost surreal.”
“The year Sarah was born, and continuing with Allison and Ben, we started a tradition of choosing a special ornament for each child that represented something about them in that particular year. Maybe a special interest like dance, or baseball, or books, to, in later years, a career, trips, or other interests, and this tradition continues. Our tree is now so full of these mementos and the memories they hold. Each year when I decorate it, I am taken back to those wonderful years, watching my kids grow from infancy through adulthood, and hanging the associated ornaments that have become part of our tree decor over the last 40 some years.”
“My favorite holiday memory as a kid was always going to dinner on Christmas eve. My parents always worked a lot of extra hours in the month of December and we really missed seeing them – my Dad especially worked non-stop in December and my mom was home with us mostly. We had a tradition to go out to dinner on Christmas eve which was so exciting because we all got to be together after a lot of time apart.”
The holiday season is a beautiful time with friends and family, and we would love for you to share the joys with us. We cannot wait to see you one last time before we bid 2023 farewell! Our holiday hours are Monday - Wednesday 10-5, Thursday 10-7, Friday 10-5, and Saturday 10-6. See you soon!

Staff Holiday Favorites 2023
By: Susan Summers